Friday, March 28, 2008

I was reading Chad Loucks blog the other and came across this and so i thought i would put it on here "Someone asked me the other day, ‘Are you worried about global warming?’ I may be, but I’m far more worried about spiritual cooling.” I’d venture to say that the two go hand in hand. One is the fruit of the other. But what is the root…? Ah, now that is a question worth thinking through. A little twist of theology, a little misunderstanding of the Scriptures, equals something very…twisted. The way you treat the creation reflects the way you feel about the creator.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I am playing on a basketball team called The Ducks over at the Elkhart Sports Center every Monday or Tuesday night. The team consists of me, Dustin Eby, Craig Helfrich, Aaron McDowell, Robby Bearss, Marty Graverson, and John Tice. We are currently 5-1. It's been a blast to be able to play again with guys who either quit or weren't good enough to play ha. It's been great.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God Is Good!
Every year my best friend Dustin Eby creates a tournament filled with 64 different people that he knows. It is called Eby's Quarter Bracket Peoples Tournament. This tournament consists of Eby flipping a quarter and heads or tails decides who moves on in the tournament. Pretty self explanatory. This years tournament will be held over Spring Break. Results of the tournament will be on Dustin Eby's blog, Derry Prenkert's and mine as well.
This blog was specifically created for me to journal my alone time with God and throw out any information for people pertaining to Nappanee Missionary Church events or just flat out what God is teaching me.